everActive CBC-5 6 V / 12 V processor charger
everActive CBC-5 6 V / 12 V processor charger

everActive CBC-5 6 V / 12 V processor charger

  • Manufacturer: everActive
  • Product code: CBC5
  • Availability: Available immediately
  • Courier Delivery
    From 12.00 €
  • Parcel Locker
    From 5.00 €
* Estimated delivery dates.
Product description

The CBC 5 charger is designed for 6V/12V gel, lead acid, AGM, VRLA, VLA, SLA, WET, GEL, Lead-Acid batteries. Charging is automatic, multi-step. Charging mode, the operation of the charger is indicated on the backlit LCD display.

The first step is to measure and indicate the voltage at the battery terminals and determine its type. For a 12V battery, by pressing the ”MODE” button, you can select a charging program (0.8A/3.8A) as well as a ”winter” mode characterized by a higher charging voltage (this is also the default recommended charging mode for many modern AGM batteries). The condition of the battery is assessed and reactivated if necessary (only for heavily discharged cells) - charging with reduced current with single pulses.
The next step is basic charging - depending on the charging mode with a maximum intensity of 0.8A or 3.8A.
The next steps are to control the charging process - as the voltage on the battery increases, the charging current is reduced.
In the final phase of charging, the current is smoothly limited to 0.5A - this is an excellent protection against the phenomenon of ”gasification” of the battery. When the voltage reaches 14.4V/14.8V (for 12V battery) and 7.3V (for 6V battery), the main charge is complete.
The final stage is the phase of monitoring the voltage on the battery - in case of prolonged leaving the charger connected to the battery and the voltage drop to 13.1V/12.8V (for a 12V battery), the charger turns on the support charge to prevent further discharge or souscoulation of the battery.


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