Permanent preparations are ready made conserved preparations. For high contrast the most of them are colored.
Loose Connective Tissue, W.M.
Hyaline Cartilage, Sec.
Elastic Cartilage, Sec.
Spinal Cord, C.S.
Clavicle, S.S.
Dense Bone, Sec.
Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation W.M.
Skeletal Muscle, L.S.C.S.
Tendon Rabbit, Sec.
Squamous Epithelium Smear From Human Mouth
Simple Flat Epithelikum W.M.
Stratified Flat Epithelium, Sec.
Ciliated Epithelium, Sec.
Human Skin Sec, Through Hair Follicle
Human Skin Sec, Through Sewat Follicle
Lung, Sec.
Lung With Blood Vessels Lnjectde, Sec.
Kidney.With Blood. Vessels Injected.Rat.Sec
Artery & Vein, C.S.
Human Blood, Smear.
Lymph Node,Sec.
Thyroid Gland
Wall of Stomach, Sec.
Small Lntesine, C.S.
Liver, Sec.
Cardiac Muscle Sec
Testis Sec.
Ovary, Sec.
Kidney L.S
Human Chromosome