Unprecedented comfort with hearing protectors
Excellent hearing protection, over 200 hours of battery life in continuous use, completely waterproof, and easy volume adjustment.
-32 dB reduction of loud noises.
Amplifies barely audible low sounds, such as game footsteps, breaking branches, and rustling leaves in the forest.
It is also possible to get a pair customized to your hearing (doctor's statement and hearing test required).
You can precisely hear the direction of the sound source 360°. You know where the animal's sound is coming from or where your hunting partner is walking.
Product details:
- Fits most ear canal shapes. Ergonomic design.
- Excellent directional perception due to outer ear installation. You can hear where the sounds are coming from.
- Three different sizes of customizable ear tips ensure a perfect fit, eliminating the need for ear wax. 3 different sizes (S, M, L).
- 100% WATERPROOF! Protects against sweat, rain, and corrosion.
- Long battery life, 200 hours.
- 2-year warranty.
- Made in Italy.
- Size just slightly over 2 cm and weight less than 2 grams.