Browning security enclosure
Browning security enclosure

Browning security enclosure

  • Manufacturer: Browning
  • Product code: BTC-BOX
  • Availability: Available immediately
  • Courier Delivery
    From 12.00 €
  • Parcel Locker
    From 5.00 €
* Estimated delivery dates.
Product description

This all steel security enclosure protects your trail camera against vandalism, theft, or damage. Our security enclosures are supplied with a padlock so that the security box can be locked. Furthermore, the security box itself can be mounted to a tree or other object using screws, but it also has special openings to allow for mounting with a Master Lock python cable. Master Lock Python cable locks are ideal for locking and mounting a security enclosure to a tree or pole, because the cable lock can be tightened all around the stem of the tree or pole. 

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